Fertility Planning

Fertility Planning

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Fertility Planning

Fertility Planning

Personalized and proactive guidance for every step of your fertility journey. Led by fertility nurses and always medically-credible.

  • Early-stage guidance to proactively understand your fertility options.
  • Egg-freezing options, support and prep.
  • Finding a clinic, doctor & care team.
  • Navigating IVF and medical journey.
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Fertility Planning

  • An amazing fertility consultant.. Gave us invaluable advice, before, during and after IVF.

  • If you don’t want to feel alone or like a number as you embark on this challenging journey, hire a Dandi nurse today.

  • We were overwhelmed with information until we found Leyla, who held our hand and explained every aspect of IVF in such a caring and practical way.

  • Extremely knowledgeable and professional. Made us feel at ease right away.

  • Helped to keep us informed every step of the way… Recommend to anybody considering fertility treatment.

  • The person I turned to when I had questions at any stage of the process. Fast response times. Made the experience so much more personal.

  • It’s an exhausting, all-consuming process that I cannot imagine having gotten through without her support.

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8 in 10 women rely on Google, Facebook or Reddit for fertility education.*

When it comes to reliable fertility guidance, the bar has been set far too low. With all that's at stake, you deserve information that is medically-trustworthy and personalized to your journey. Say bye bye to Dr. Google and experience better fertility education today.

*Dandi Independent Research
  • Expert Led

    Registered fertility nurses and licensed fertility experts ensure trustworthy, evidence-based care.

  • Personalized

    Your fertility journey is as personal as it gets. Our team takes a tailored approach to meet your needs.

  • On-demand

    Finally, support at the times you actually need it. Available morning, night and everything in-between.

  • Proactive

    Actionable guidance for important decisions and to help you prepare for what comes next.

Support for Every Step of Your Journey

Preconception TTC Fertility Testing Infertility Egg Freezing IUI IVF Meds Genetics Education

    We're working hard to bring more care to your area. Enter your email here to let us know you want support in your state.

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      Choose Your Care

      Find support that meets you every step of your journey

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      Browse Provider Availability

      Explore available times for care providers in your area

    • 3

      Order and Activate

      Purchase, then tell us about yourself to activate your account

    • 4

      Schedule Your Session

      Choose your care provider and time slot to begin

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