Alease Barnes

Alease Barnes

Alease Barnes is an accomplished Embryologist with a strong background in Genetics.

  • She holds a Bachelor's degree from North Carolina State University, focusing on Genetics with a minor in Biotechnology.
  • Her expertise includes ICSI, Trophectoderm Biopsy, INVOcell, Egg Vit, and Cell Culture.
  • With her strong presence on social media, she actively strives to empower individuals on their infertility journey by dispelling misinformation and providing support.
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IVF Injections Dandi Care
What to Expect from At Home Injection Support

What to Expect from At Home Injection Support

Leyla Bilali, BSN, RN

Fertility treatment often involves self-administered injections, which can be a daunting and scary responsibility. To alleviate the stress and uncertainty,Dandi Fertility offers at home injection services, where experienced fertility nurses provide in person assistance and support in the comfort of your home. How Do Dandi’s At Home Injection Services Work? Dandi’s at home injection services connect you with a network...

Male vs Female Embryos in IVF: How to tell the Difference

Male vs Female Embryos in IVF: How to tell the Difference

Alease Daniel Barnes, BS

If you’re doing IVF, you might want to know which of your embryos are male and which are female before you choose one to transfer. How can you tell whether an embryo is a boy or a girl? Can you tell by just looking at them? Embryologist, Alease Barnes, explains how your fertility clinic can tell which embryos are male...

The Best Embryo to Transfer for IVF Success

The Best Embryo to Transfer for IVF Success

Alease Daniel Barnes, BS

Which embryo should you transfer to give you the best chance of success in your IVF cycle?  In this post, embryologist Alease Barnes breaks down how embryologists select the best embryo for transfer and what factors come into play.

Fertility Planning Community Story
What It's Like to Freeze Your Eggs: A Nurse's Personal Journey

What It's Like to Freeze Your Eggs: A Nurse's Personal Journey

Brandis Montez, AGACNP-BC, FNP-BC

Fertility nurse practitioner Brandis Montez shared her personal experience with egg freezing—twice—and offers invaluable insights for women considering this empowering option.